S. I. W., by Wilfred Owen
Safety, by Rupert Brooke
Saint John Baptist, by William Drummond
Samela, by Robert Greene
San Miniato, by Oscar Wilde
The Scholar-Gipsy, by Matthew Arnold
Sea-Fever, by John Masefield
The Second Sonnet of Bathrolaire, by James Elroy Flecker
The Send-off, by Wilfred Owen
The Sentimentalist, by James Elroy Flecker
The Sentry, by Wilfred Owen
Separation, by Walter Savage Landor
Sephestia's Lullaby, by Robert Greene
A Serenade, by Sir Walter Scott
The Shadow, by Ben Jonson
The Shadow of the Cross, by John McCrae
Shakespeare, by Matthew Arnold
She walks in Beauty, by George Gordon Byron
The Show, by Wilfred Owen
The Shrouding of the Duchess of Malfi, by John Webster
Silence, by Thomas Hood
The Silent Lover (i), by Sir Walter Raleigh
The Silent Lover (ii), by Sir Walter Raleigh
Silvia, by William Shakespeare
Simplex Munditiis, by Ben Jonson
Sirena, by Michael Drayton
The Sirens' Song, by William Browne
Sleep, by John Fletcher
Sleep, by Sir Philip Sidney
Slumber Songs (I), by John McCrae
Slumber Songs (II), by John McCrae
Smile, Smile, Smile, by Wilfred Owen
The Soldier, by Rupert Brooke
Sonet, by Mark Alexander Boyd
Song, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Song, by Matthew Prior
Song, by John Davidson
Song, by John Donne
Song, by Robert Browning
Song, by Sir Philip Sidney
Song, by Thomas Carew
Song, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Song, by William Blake
Song, by William Browne
A Song for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687, by John Dryden
Song from 'Paracelsus', by Robert Browning
The Song of Callicles, by Matthew Arnold
The Song of the Derelict, by John McCrae
Song of the Lotos-Eaters, by Alfred Tennyson
Song to a Fair Young Lady, going out of the Town in the Spring, by John Dryden
The Song of Hiawatha: Introduction, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: I. The Peace-Pipe, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: II. The Four Winds, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: III. Hiawatha's Childhood, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: IV. Hiawatha and Mudjekeewis, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: V. Hiawatha's Fasting, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: VI. Hiawatha's Friends, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: VII. Hiawatha's Sailing, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: VIII. Hiawatha's Fishing, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: IX. Hiawatha and the Pearl-Feather, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: X. Hiawatha's Wooing, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XI. Hiawatha's Wedding-Feast, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XII. The Son of the Evening Star, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XIII. Blessing the Corn-Fields, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XIV. Picture-Writing
The Song of Hiawatha: XV. Hiawatha's Lamentation, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XVI. Pau-Puk-Keewis, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XVII. The Hunting of Pau-Puk-Keewis, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XVIII. The Death of Kwasind, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XIX. The Ghosts, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XX. The Famine, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XXI. The White Man's Foot, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Song of Hiawatha: XXII. Hiawatha's Departure, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sonnet i, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet ii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet iii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet iv, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet v, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet vi, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet vii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet viii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet ix, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet x, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xi, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xiii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xiv, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xv, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xvi, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xvii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xviii, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xix, by William Shakespeare
Sonnet xx, by William Shakespeare
The Sonnet (i), by William Wordsworth
The Sonnet (ii), by William Wordsworth
Sonnet on Approaching Italy, by Oscar Wilde
Sonnet on Hearing the Dies Irae Sung in the Sistine Chapel, by Oscar Wilde
Sonnet to Liberty, by Oscar Wilde
Sonnets from the Portuguese (i), by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese (ii), by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese (iii), by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese (iv), by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese (v), by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Speak!, by William Wordsworth
Spirits, by Robert Bridges
Splendidis longum valedico Nugis, by Sir Philip Sidney
Spring, by Thomas Nashe
Spring and Winter (ii), by William Shakespeare
Spring Bereaved 1, by William Drummond
Spring Bereaved 2, by William Drummond
Spring Bereaved 3, by William Drummond
Spring Offensive, by Wilfred Owen
Spring Song of the Birds, by King James I of Scotland
Spring's Welcome, by John Lyly
St. Agnes’ Eve, by Alfred Tennyson
St. Valentine's Day, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Stanzas, by John Keats
Stay, O Sweet, by John Donne
Strange Meeting, by Wilfred Owen
Summer Night, by Alfred Tennyson
Sweet Content, by Thomas Dekker