Browse poems by first line
The Mad Maid's Song, by Robert Herrick
Madrigal, by William Drummond
The Maid's Lament, by Walter Savage Landor
Man, by Sir John Davies
Margaritae Sorori, by W. E. Henley
Mariana, by Alfred Tennyson
The Married Lover, by Coventry Patmore
Marvel of Marvels, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Mary Magdalen, by James Elroy Flecker
Mary Morison, by Robert Burns
The Masque of the Magi, by James Elroy Flecker
Matin Song, by Thomas Heywood
Maud, by Alfred Tennyson
The Means to attain Happy Life, by Henry Howard
A Meditation for his Mistress, by Robert Herrick
Meeting at Night, by Robert Browning
Melancholy, by John Fletcher
Memory, by Oliver Goldsmith
Memory, by William Browne
Mental Cases, by Wilfred Owen
Merciles Beaute, by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Message, by Thomas Heywood
Mignon, by James Elroy Flecker
The Miller’s Daughter, by Alfred Tennyson
Mine Host, by John McCrae
A Miracle of Bethlehem, by James Elroy Flecker
Misconceptions, by Robert Browning
Money, O!, by W. H. Davies
The Moon, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Mother, I cannot mind my Wheel, by Walter Savage Landor
Music, when Soft Voices die, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
A Musical Instrument, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Musings, by William Barnes
Mutability, by William Wordsworth
My Bonnie Mary, by Robert Burns
My Delight and Thy Delight, by Robert Bridges
My Friend, by James Elroy Flecker
My Lady's Grave, by Emily Brontë
My Lost Youth, by Henry Wadworth Longfellow
My Mary, by William Cowper
Myra, by Fulke Greville
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