GO fetch to me a pint o' wine,
An' fill it in a silver tassie,
That I may drink, before I go,
A service to my bonnie lassie.
The boat rocks at the pier o' Leith,
Fu' loud the wind blaws frae the ferry,
The ship rides by the Berwick-law,
And I maun leave my bonnie Mary.
The trumpets sound, the banners fly,
The glittering spears are ranked ready;
The shouts o' war are heard afar,
The battle closes thick and bloody;
But it 's no the roar o' sea or shore
Wad mak me langer wish to tarry;
Nor shout o' war that 's heard afar—
It 's leaving thee, my bonnie Mary!
About the poet |
By the same poet |
To a Mouse |
Lament for Culloden |
Auld Lang Syne |
Address to a Haggis |
To a Louse |
Mary Morison |
Jean |
John Anderson, my Jo |
The Banks o' Doon |
Ae Fond Kiss |
Bonnie Lesley |
Highland Mary |
O were my Love yon Lilac fair |
A Red, Red Rose |
The Farewell |
Hark! the Mavis |
Related books |
Robert Burns at amazon.co.uk |
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