Browse poems by first line
The Parable of the Old Man and the Young, by Wilfred Owen
Parting, by Emily Dickinson
The Parting, by Michael Drayton
Parting at Morning, by Robert Browning
A Passer-by, by Robert Bridges
Passing Away, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, by Christopher Marlowe
Pater Filio, by Robert Bridges
Patriotism: 1. Innominatus, by Sir Walter Scott
Patriotism: 2. Nelson, Pitt, Fox, by Sir Walter Scott
Pavlovna in London, by James Elroy Flecker
Peace, by Henry Vaughan
Peace, by Rupert Brooke
Penance, by John McCrae
Perfect Woman, by William Wordsworth
Persuasions to Joy: a Song, by Thomas Carew
Phillida and Coridon, by Nicholas Breton
Phillis I, by Thomas Lodge
Phillis II, by Thomas Lodge
Philomel, by Richard Barnefield
Philomela, by Matthew Arnold
Philomela, by Sir Philip Sidney
Phoebus with Admetus, by George Meredith
The Phoenix and the Turtle, by William Shakespeare
The Picture of Little T.C. in a Prospect of Flowers, by Andrew Marvell
The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Robert Browning
The Pilgrimage, by Sir Walter Raleigh
The Pilgrims, by John McCrae
Pillage, by James Elroy Flecker
Pippa’s Song, by Robert Browning
The Poppy, by Francis Thompson
Porphyria's Lover, by Robert Browning
Praise of Women, by Robert Mannyng
Prayer, by James Elroy Flecker
The Primrose, by Robert Herrick
The Prisoner, by Emily Bronte
The Progress of Poesy, by Thomas Gray
Prothalamion, by Edmund Spenser
Proud Maisie, by Sir Walter Scott
Proud Word you never spoke, by Walter Savage Landor
The Pulley, by George Herbert
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