Browse poems by first line
Take, O take those Lips away, by William Shakespeare
Tardy Spring, by George Meredith
Tenebris Interlucentem, by James Elroy Flecker
That Time and Absence proves Rather helps than hurts to loves, by John Donne
Then and Now, by John McCrae
Theoretikos, by Oscar Wilde
Thoughts in a Garden, by Andrew Marvell
Three Men of Gotham, by Thomas Love Peacock
Thus the Mayne glideth, by Robert Browning
The Timber, by Henry Vaughan
Time of Roses, by Thomas Hood
Time, Real and Imaginary, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Times go by Turns, by Robert Southwell
To ——, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
To a Child of Quality, by Matthew Prior
To a Lady, by William Dunbar
To a Mouse, by Robert Burns
To a Poet a thousand years hence, by James Elroy Flecker
To a Skylark, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
To Amarantha, that she would dishevel her Hair, by Richard Lovelace
To an Inconstant One, by Sir Robert Ayton
To Althea, from Prison, by Richard Lovelace
To Anthea, who may command him Anything, by Robert Herrick
To Autumn, by John Keats
To Blossoms, by Robert Herrick
To Celia, by Ben Jonson
To Cyriack Skinner, by John Milton
To Daffodils, by Robert Herrick
To Daisies, not to shut so soon, by Robert Herrick
To Dianeme, by Robert Herrick
To Electra, by Robert Herrick
To Helen, by Edgar Allan Poe
To His Coy Love, by Michael Drayton
To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell
To His Forsaken Mistress, by Sir Robert Ayton
To His Inconstant Mistress, by Thomas Carew
To His Lute, by Sir Thomas Wyatt
To Lucasta, going beyond the Seas, by Richard Lovelace
To Lucasta, going to the Wars, by Richard Lovelace
To Manon, on his Fortune in loving Her, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
To Marguerite, by Matthew Arnold
To Mary, by Charles Wolfe
To Mary Unwin, by William Cowper
To Meadows, by Robert Herrick
To Milton, by Oscar Wilde
To Mistress Margaret Hussey, by John Skelton
To Mistress Margery Wentworth, by John Skelton
To Mr. Lawrence, by John Milton
To Music, to becalm his Fever, by Robert Herrick
To Œnone, by Robert Herrick
To Sleep, by John Keats
To Spring, by William Blake
To the Muses, by William Blake
To the Virginian Voyage, by Michael Drayton
To the Virgins, to make much of Time, by Robert Herrick
To the Western Wind, by Robert Herrick
To the Willow-tree, by Robert Herrick
To Violets, by Robert Herrick
The Town without a Market, by James Elroy Flecker
The Toys, by Coventry Patmore
The Translator and the Children, by James Elroy Flecker
The Triumph, by Ben Jonson
The Trosachs, by William Wordsworth
The True Knight, by Stephen Hawes
A True Love, by Nicholas Grimald
The Two Highwaymen, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Twenty Years hence, by Walter Savage Landor
Twice, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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