Browse poems by first line
The Captain, by John McCrae
Cards and Kisses, by John Lyly
Carpe Diem, by William Shakespeare
The Chances, by Wilfred Owen
Change should breed Change, by William Drummond
The Charge of the Light Brigade, by Alfred Tennyson
The Character of a Happy Life, by Sir Henry Wotton
Cherry-Ripe, by Robert Herrick
Cherry-Ripe, by Thomas Campion
The Child, by Sara Coleridge
A Child's Grace, by Robert Herrick
The Choice, by George Wither
Chorus from 'Atalanta', by Algernon Charles Swinburne
Christ Crucified, by Richard Crashaw
The Conclusion, by Sir Walter Raleigh
Conscious, by Wilfred Owen
Consolation, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Constant Lover, by Sir John Suckling
Come down, O Maid, by Alfred Tennyson
Comfort to a Youth that had lost his Love, by Robert Herrick
Complaint of the Absence of her Lover being upon the Sea, by Henry Howard
A Contemplation upon Flowers, by Henry King
Corinna's going a-Maying, by Robert Herrick
Cradle Song, by William Blake
Crossing the Bar, by Alfred Tennyson
The Curse upon Edward, by Thomas Gray
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