
Sir John Suckling

The Constant Lover

OUT upon it, I have loved
    Three whole days together!
And am like to love three more,
    If it prove fair weather.

Time shall moult away his wings
    Ere he shall discover
In the whole wide world again
    Such a constant lover.

But the spite on 't is, no praise
    Is due at all to me:
Love with me had made no stays,
    Had it any been but she.

Had it any been but she,
    And that very face,
There had been at least ere this
    A dozen dozen in her place.

About the poet
Sir John Suckling
By the same poet
A Doubt of Martyrdom
Why so Pale and Wan?
When, Dearest, I but think of Thee
Related books
Sir John Suckling at amazon.co.uk

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