Browse poems by first line
The Darkling Thrush, by Thomas Hardy
Dawn, by John Ford
The Dead (i), by Rupert Brooke
The Dead (ii), by Rupert Brooke
The Dead Master, by John McCrae
The Dead-Beat, by Wilfred Owen
Death, by John Donne
Death, by Thomas Hood
The Deathbed, by Thomas Hood
The Definition of Love, by Andrew Marvell
Delight in Disorder, by Robert Herrick
Departure, by Coventry Patmore
Description of Spring, by Henry Howard
The Deserted Garden, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Desideria, by William Wordsworth
The Desolate City, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Destroyer of Ships, Men, Cities, by James Elroy Flecker
Devotion (i), by Thomas Campion
Devotion (ii), by Thomas Campion
A Devout Lover, by Thomas Randolph
A Dialogue, by George Herbert
Dirce, by Walter Savage Landor
A Dirge, by John Webster
Dirge, by William Shakespeare
Disabled, by Wilfred Owen
Disarmament, by John McCrae
Discipline, by George Herbert
A ditty, by Edmund Spenser
A Divine Rapture, by Francis Quarles
Don Juan in Hell, by James Elroy Flecker
The Donkey, by G. K. Chesterton
A Doubt of Martyrdom, by Sir John Suckling
Dover Beach, by Matthew Arnold
The Dream, by John Donne
Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen
The Dying Christian to his Soul, by Alexander Pope
The Dying of Pere Pierre, by John McCrae
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