Browse poems by first line
E Tenebris, by Oscar Wilde
The Eagle, by Alfred Tennyson
Earl Mertoun's Song, by Robert Browning
Easter, by Edmund Spenser
Easter, by George Herbert
Easter Day, by Oscar Wilde
The Ecstasy, by John Donne
An Elegy, by Ben Jonson
Elegy over a Tomb, by Lord Herbert of Cherbury
Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady, by Alexande Pope
Elegy written in a Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray
Elizabeth of Bohemia, by Sir Henry Wotton
The End, by Wilfred Owen
England, 1802 (i), by William Wordsworth
England, 1802 (ii), by William Wordsworth
England, 1802 (iii, by William Wordsworth
England, 1802 (iv), by William Wordsworth
England, 1802 (v), by William Wordsworth
England, My England, by W. E. Henley
An Epitaph, by Andrew Marvell
An Epitaph, by Stephen Hawes
Epitaph (i): On Elizabeth L.H., by Ben Jonson
Epitaph (ii): On Salathiel Pavy, by Ben Jonson
Epitaph: In Obitum M.S. Xº Maij, 1614, by William Browne
Epitaph: On the Countess Dowager of Pembroke, by William Browne
Epitaph: On the Lady Mary Villiers, by Thomas Carew
Epitaph upon a Child that died (ii), by Robert Herrick
Epitaph upon a Child that died (i), by Robert Herrick
An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife, who died and were buried together, by Richard Crashaw
Epithalamion, by Edmund Spenser
Equality, by John McCrae
Evening on Calais Beach, by William Wordsworth
Eventide, by John McCrae
Exequy on his Wife, by Henry King
Exposure, by Wilfred Owen
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