WOULDST thou hear what Man can say
In a little? Reader, stay.
Underneath this stone doth lie
As much Beauty as could die:
Which in life did harbour give
To more Virtue than doth live.
If at all she had a fault,
Leave it buried in this vault.
One name was Elizabeth,
The other, let it sleep with death:
Fitter, where it died, to tell
Than that it lived at all. Farewell.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
A Farewell to the World |
Hymn to Diana |
To Celia |
Simplex Munditiis |
The Shadow |
The Triumph |
An Elegy |
The Noble Balm |
Epitaph (ii) On Salathiel Pavy |
Related books |
Ben Jonson at amazon.co.uk |
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