
Ben Jonson

The Shadow

FOLLOW a shadow, it still flies you;
    Seem to fly it, it will pursue:
So court a mistress, she denies you;
    Let her alone, she will court you.
        Say, are not women truly, then,
        Styled but the shadows of us men?

At morn and even, shades are longest;
    At noon they are or short or none:
So men at weakest, they are strongest,
    But grant us perfect, they're not known.
        Say, are not women truly, then,
        Styled but the shadows of us men?

About the poet

Ben JonsonBen Jonson

By the same poet
A Farewell to the World
Hymn to Diana
To Celia
Simplex Munditiis
The Triumph
An Elegy
The Noble Balm
Epitaph (i): On Elizabeth L.H.
Epitaph (ii): On Salathiel Pavy
Related books
Ben Jonson at amazon.co.uk

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