
Ben Jonson

The Triumph

SEE the Chariot at hand here of Love,
    Wherein my Lady rideth!
Each that draws is a swan or a dove,
    And well the car Love guideth.
As she goes, all hearts do duty
                    Unto her beauty;
And enamour'd do wish, so they might
                    But enjoy such a sight,
That they still were to run by her side,
Through swords, through seas, whither she would ride.

Do but look on her eyes, they do light
    All that Love's world compriseth!
Do but look on her hair, it is bright
    As Love's star when it riseth!
Do but mark, her forehead's smoother
                    Than words that soothe her;
And from her arch'd brows such a grace
                    Sheds itself through the face,
As alone there triumphs to the life
All the gain, all the good, of the elements' strife.

Have you seen but a bright lily grow
    Before rude hands have touch'd it?
Have you mark'd but the fall of the snow
    Before the soil hath smutch'd it?
Have you felt the wool of beaver,
                    Or swan's down ever?
Or have smelt o' the bud o' the brier,
                    Or the nard in the fire?
Or have tasted the bag of the bee?
O so white, O so soft, O so sweet is she!

About the poet

Ben JonsonBen Jonson

By the same poet
A Farewell to the World
Hymn to Diana
To Celia
Simplex Munditiis
The Shadow
An Elegy
The Noble Balm
Epitaph (i): On Elizabeth L.H.
Epitaph (ii): On Salathiel Pavy
Related books
Ben Jonson at amazon.co.uk

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