Browse poems by first line
The Wanderers, by Robert Browning
War Song of the Saracens, by James Elroy Flecker
The Warrior, by John McCrae
We that were friends, by James Elroy Flecker
Weep no more, by John Fletcher
The Weeper, by Richard Crashaw
A Welcome, by William Browne
We’ll go no more a-roving, by George Gordon Byron
The Welsh Sea, by James Elroy Flecker
A Western Voyage, by James Elroy Flecker
When, Dearest, I but think of Thee, by Sir John Suckling
When Death to Either shall come, by Robert Bridges
When I have Fears that I may cease to be, by John Keats
When we Two parted, by George Gordon Byron
Whilst it is prime, by Edmund Spenser
Whoso List to Hunt, by Sir Thomas Wyatt
Why so Pale and Wan?, by Sir John Suckling
A Widow's Hymn, by George Wither
Wild with all Regrets, by Wilfred Owen
Winter Nightfall, by Robert Bridges
Winter Nights, by Thomas Campion
The Wish, by Abraham Cowley
Wishes to His Supposed Mistress, by Richard Crashaw
With Esther, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Woman, by Oliver Goldsmith
Wooing Song, by Giles Fletcher
Work without Hope, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The World, by William Wordsworth
Written at Florence, by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Written in Northampton County Asylum, by John Clare
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