Browse poems by first line
The Rainbow, by William Wordsworth
The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe
The Realm of Fancy, by John Keats
The Reaper, by William Wordsworth
Recompense, by John McCrae
A Red, Red Rose, by Robert Burns
Reeds of Innocence, by William Blake
Remain!, by Walter Savage Landor
Remember, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Remembrance, by Emily Brontë
Remorse, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Renouncement, by Alice Meynell
A Renunciation, by Henry King
Requiem, by Robert Louis Stevenson
Requiescat, by Oscar Wilde
Requiescat, by Matthew Arnold
Resignation, by Walter Savage Landor
Respice Finem: Epigram, by Francis Quarles
Rest, by Christina Georgina Rossetti
The Retreat, by Henry Vaughan
Revelation, by Sir Edmund Gosse
A Revocation, by Sir Thomas Wyatt
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Riouperoux, by James Elroy Flecker
The River of Life, by Thomas Campbell
The Road not Taken, by Robert Frost
Robin and Makyne, by Robert Henryson
Romance, by Robert Louis Stevenson
Rome Unvisited, by Oscar Wilde
A Rondel of Love, by Alexander Scott
Rosalind's Madrigal, by Thomas Lodge
Rosalind's Scroll, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Rosaline, by Thomas Lodge
The Rose, by William Browne
Rose Aylmer, by Walter Savage Landor
The Rover's Adieu, by Sir Walter Scott
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (5th edition), by Edward FitzGerald
Ruth, by Thomas Hood
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