
Sir Thomas Wyatt

A Revocation

WHAT should I say?
    —Since Faith is dead,
And Truth away
    From you is fled?
    Should I be led
        With doubleness?
        Nay! nay! mistress.

I promised you,
    And you promised me,
To be as true
     As I would be.
    But since I see
        Your double heart,
        Farewell my part!

Thought for to take
    'Tis not my mind;
But to forsake
    One so unkind;
    And as I find
        So will I trust.
        Farewell, unjust!

Can ye say nay
    But that you said
That I alway
    Should be obeyed?
    And—thus betrayed
        Or that I wist!
        Farewell, unkist!

About the poet
Sir Thomas Wyatt
By the same poet
Forget not yet
The Appeal
Vixi Puellis Nuper Idoneus...
To His Lute
Whoso List to Hunt
Related books
Sir Thomas Wyatt at amazon.co.uk

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