Browse poems by first line
L'Allegro, by John Milton
La Belle Dame sans Merci, by John Keats
Laura, by Thomas Campion
The Lady of Shalott, by Alfred Tennyson
The Lady of the Lambs, by Alice Meynell
The Lady who offers her Looking-Glass to Venus, by Matthew Prior
Lament for Chaucer, by Thomas Hoccleve
Lament for Culloden, by Robert Burns
Lament for the Makers, by William Dubar
Last Lines, by Emily Brontë
The Last Ride together, by Robert Browning
The Last Rose, by John Davidson
Last Sonnet, by John Keats
The Last Word, by Matthew Arnold
Late Leaves, by Walter Savage Landor
Leisure, by W. H. Davies
A Letter, by Matthew Prior
Libertatis Sacra Fames, by Oscar Wilde
Light, by John Milton
Lines, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Listeners, by Walter de la Mare
A Litany, by Phineas Fletcher
Litany to Satan, by James Elroy Flecker
Litany to the Holy Spirit, by Robert Herrick
The Little Black Boy, by William Blake
Lord Arnaldos, by James Elroy Flecker
The Lost Mistress, by Robert Browning
Louis Napoleon, by Oscar Wilde
Love, by George Herbert
Love, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Love, by William Shakespeare
Love and Age, by Thomas Love Peacock
Love in the Valley, by George Meredith
Love is a Sickness, by Samuel Daniel
The Love Unfeigned, by Geoffrey Chaucer
A Lover's Lullaby, by George Gascoigne
The Lover's Resolution, by George Wither
Love's Emblems, by John Fletcher
Love's Grave, by George Meredith
Love's Secret, by William Blake
Lucifer in Starlight, by George Meredith
Lucy Ashton's Song, by Sir Walter Scott
Lucy (i), by William Wordsworth
Lucy (ii), by William Wordsworth
Lucy (iii), by William Wordsworth
Lucy (iv), by William Wordsworth
Lucy (v), by William Wordsworth
Lullaby, by Richard Rowlands
Lycidas, by John Milton
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