WEEP no more, nor sigh, nor groan,
Sorrow calls no time that 's gone:
Violets pluck'd, the sweetest rain
Makes not fresh nor grow again.
Trim thy locks, look cheerfully;
Fate's hid ends eyes cannot see.
Joys as winged dreams fly fast,
Why should sadness longer last?
Grief is but a wound to woe;
Gentlest fair, mourn, mourn no moe.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Hear, ye Ladies |
Sleep |
Bridal Song |
Aspatia's Song |
Hymn to Pan |
Away, Delights |
Love's Emblems |
God Lyaeus |
Beauty Clear and Fair |
Melancholy |
Related books |
John Fletcher at amazon.co.uk |
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