BEAUTY clear and fair,
Where the air
Rather like a perfume dwells;
Where the violet and the rose
Their blue veins and blush disclose,
And come to honour nothing else:
Where to live near
And planted there
Is to live, and still live new;
Where to gain a favour is
More than light, perpetual bliss—
Make me live by serving you!
Dear, again back recall
To this light,
A stranger to himself and all!
Both the wonder and the story
Shall be yours, and eke the glory;
I am your servant, and your thrall.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Hear, ye Ladies |
Sleep |
Bridal Song |
Aspatia's Song |
Hymn to Pan |
Away, Delights |
Love's Emblems |
God Lyaeus |
Melancholy |
Weep no more |
Related books |
John Fletcher at |
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