
John Fletcher

Hymn to Pan

SING his praises that doth keep
    Our flocks from harm.
Pan, the father of our sheep;
    And arm in arm
Tread we softly in a round,
Whilst the hollow neighbouring ground
Fills the music with her sound.

Pan, O great god Pan, to thee
    Thus do we sing!
Thou who keep'st us chaste and free
    As the young spring:
Ever be thy honour spoke
From that place the morn is broke
To that place day doth unyoke!

About the poet

John FletcherJohn Fletcher

By the same poet
Hear, ye Ladies
Bridal Song
Aspatia's Song
Away, Delights
Love's Emblems
God Lyaeus
Beauty Clear and Fair
Weep no more
Related books
John Fletcher at amazon.co.uk

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