AWAY, delights! go seek some other dwelling,
For I must die.
Farewell, false love! thy tongue is ever telling
Lie after lie.
For ever let me rest now from thy smarts;
Alas, for pity go
And fire their hearts
That have been hard to thee! Mine was not so.
Never again deluding love shall know me,
For I will die;
And all those griefs that think to overgrow me
Shall be as I:
For ever will I sleep, while poor maids cry—
'Alas, for pity stay,
And let us die
With thee! Men cannot mock us in the clay.'
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Hear, ye Ladies |
Sleep |
Bridal Song |
Aspatia's Song |
Hymn to Pan |
Love's Emblems |
God Lyaeus |
Beauty Clear and Fair |
Melancholy |
Weep no more |
Related books |
John Fletcher at |
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