
Richard Crashaw

An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife, who died and were buried together

TO these whom death again did wed
This grave 's the second marriage-bed.
For though the hand of Fate could force
'Twixt soul and body a divorce,
It could not sever man and wife,
Because they both lived but one life.
Peace, good reader, do not weep;
Peace, the lovers are asleep.
They, sweet turtles, folded lie
In the last knot that love could tie.
Let them sleep, let them sleep on,
Till the stormy night be gone,
And the eternal morrow dawn;
Then the curtains will be drawn,
And they wake into a light
Whose day shall never die in night.

About the poet

Richard Crashaw

By the same poet
Wishes to His Supposed Mistress
The Weeper
A Hymn to the Name and Honour of the Admirable Saint Teresa
Upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphical Saint Teresa
Verses from the Shepherds' Hymn
Christ Crucified
Related books
Richard Crashaw at amazon.co.uk

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