I LONG have had a quarrel set with Time
Because he robb'd me. Every day of life
Was wrested from me after bitter strife:
I never yet could see the sun go down
But I was angry in my heart, nor hear
The leaves fall in the wind without a tear
Over the dying summer. I have known
No truce with Time nor Time's accomplice, Death.
The fair world is the witness of a crime
Repeated every hour. For life and breath
Are sweet to all who live; and bitterly
The voices of these robbers of the heath
Sound in each ear and chill the passer-by.
—What have we done to thee, thou monstrous Time?
What have we done to Death that we must die?
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Song |
The Desolate City |
With Esther |
To Manon, on his Fortune in loving Her |
St. Valentine's Day |
Gibraltar |
Written at Florence |
Related books |
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt at amazon.co.uk |
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