
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

St. Valentine's Day

TO-DAY, all day, I rode upon the down,
With hounds and horsemen, a brave company
On this side in its glory lay the sea,
On that the Sussex weald, a sea of brown.
The wind was light, and brightly the sun shone,
And still we gallop'd on from gorse to gorse:
And once, when check'd, a thrush sang, and my horse
Prick'd his quick ears as to a sound unknown.
    I knew the Spring was come. I knew it even
Better than all by this, that through my chase
In bush and stone and hill and sea and heaven
I seem'd to see and follow still your face.
Your face my quarry was. For it I rode,
My horse a thing of wings, myself a god.

About the poet

Wilfrid Scawen BluntWilfrid Scawen Blunt

By the same poet
The Desolate City
With Esther
To Manon, on his Fortune in loving Her
Written at Florence
The Two Highwaymen
Related books
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt at amazon.co.uk

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