SEVEN weeks of sea, and twice seven days of storm
Upon the huge Atlantic, and once more
We ride into still water and the calm
Of a sweet evening, screen'd by either shore
Of Spain and Barbary. Our toils are o'er,
Our exile is accomplish'd. Once again
We look on Europe, mistress as of yore
Of the fair earth and of the hearts of men.
Ay, this is the famed rock which Hercules
And Goth and Moor bequeath'd us. At this door
England stands sentry. God! to hear the shrill
Sweet treble of her fifes upon the breeze,
And at the summons of the rock gun's roar
To see her red coats marching from the hill!
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Song |
The Desolate City |
With Esther |
To Manon, on his Fortune in loving Her |
St. Valentine's Day |
Written at Florence |
The Two Highwaymen |
Related books |
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt at |
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