
Matthew Arnold


OTHERS abide our question. Thou art free.
We ask and ask: Thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge. For the loftiest hill
That to the stars uncrowns his majesty,
Planting his steadfast footsteps in the sea,
Making the heaven of heavens his dwelling-place,
Spares but the cloudy border of his base
To the foil'd searching of mortality;
And thou, who didst the stars and sunbeams know,
Self-school'd, self-scann'd, self-honour'd, self-secure,
Didst walk on earth unguess'd at. Better so!
All pains the immortal spirit must endure,
    All weakness that impairs, all griefs that bow,
    Find their sole voice in that victorious brow.

About the poet

Matthew ArnoldMatthew Arnold

By the same poet
Dover Beach
The Scholar-Gipsy
The Forsaken Merman
The Song of Callicles
The Last Word
To Marguerite
Related books
Matthew Arnold at amazon.co.uk

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