
Sir William Watson

World Strangeness

Strange the world about me lies,
Never yet familiar grown—
Still disturbs me with surprise,
Haunts me like a face half known.

In this house with starry dome,
Floored with gemlike plains and seas,
Shall I never feel at home,
Never wholly be at ease?

On from room to room I stray,
Yet my Host can ne’er espy,
And I know not to this day
Whether guest or captive I.

So, between the starry dome
And the floor of plains and seas,
I have never felt at home,
Never wholly been at ease.

About the poet

Sir William WatsonSir William Watson

By the same poet
An Epitaph
Wordsworth’s Grave
Lacrimae Musarum
The Ballad of Semmerwater
Our Men
The Prince’s Quest
Vita Nuova
Changed Voices
England and Her Colonies
Related books
Sir William Watson at amazon.co.uk

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