
Sir William Watson

Changed Voices

Last night the seawind was to me
A metaphor of liberty,
  And every wave along the beach
A starlit music seemed to be.

To-day the seawind is to me
A fettered soul that would be free,
  And dumbly striving after speech
The tides yearn landward painfully.

To-morrow how shall sound for me
The changing voice of wind and sea?
  What tidings shall be borne of each?
What rumour of what mystery?

About the poet

Sir William WatsonSir William Watson

By the same poet
An Epitaph
Wordsworth’s Grave
Lacrimae Musarum
The Ballad of Semmerwater
Our Men
The Prince’s Quest
Vita Nuova
World Strangeness
England and Her Colonies
Related books
Sir William Watson at amazon.co.uk

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