
Sir William Watson

England and Her Colonies

SHE stands, a thousand-wintered tree,
  By countless morns impearled;
Her broad roots coil beneath the sea,
  Her branches sweep the world;
Her seeds, by careless winds conveyed,
  Clothe the remotest strand
With forests from her scatterings made,
New nations fostered in her shade,
  And linking land with land.

O ye by wandering tempest sown
  ’Neath every alien star,
Forget not whence the breath was blown
  That wafted you afar!
For ye are still her ancient seed
  On younger soil let fall—
Children of Britain’s island-breed,
To whom the Mother in her need
  Perchance may one day call.

About the poet

Sir William WatsonSir William Watson

By the same poet
An Epitaph
Wordsworth’s Grave
Lacrimae Musarum
The Ballad of Semmerwater
Our Men
The Prince’s Quest
Vita Nuova
World Strangeness
Changed Voices
Related books
Sir William Watson at amazon.co.uk

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