Tide be runnin’ the great world over:
’Twas only last June month I mind that we
Was thinkin’ the toss and the call in the breast of the lover
So everlastin’ as the sea.
Here’s the same little fishes that sputter and swim,
Wi’ the moon’s old glim on the grey, wet sand;
An’ him no more to me nor me to him
Than the wind goin’ over my hand.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
On the Road to the Sea |
The Peddler |
To a Child in Death |
Madeleine in Church |
The Farmer’s Bride |
The Trees are Down |
Ken |
In Nunhead Cemetery |
The Cenotaph |
On the Asylum Road |
June, 1915 |
The Call |
I Have Been Through the Gates |
Beside the Bed |
Related books |
Charlotte Mew at amazon.co.uk |
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