Who thinks of June’s first rose today?
Only some child, perhaps, with shining eyes and
rough bright hair will reach it down.
In a green sunny lane, to us almost as far away
As are the fearless stars from these veiled lamps of town.
What’s little June to a great broken world with eyes gone dim
From too much looking on the face of grief, the face of dread?
Or what’s the broken world to June and him
Of the small eager hand, the shining eyes, the rough bright head?
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Sea Love |
On the Road to the Sea |
The Peddler |
To a Child in Death |
Madeleine in Church |
The Farmer’s Bride |
The Trees are Down |
Ken |
In Nunhead Cemetery |
The Cenotaph |
On the Asylum Road |
The Call |
I Have Been Through the Gates |
Beside the Bed |
Related books |
Charlotte Mew at amazon.co.uk |
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