
Charlotte Mew

I Have Been Through the Gates

His heart to me, was a place of palaces and pinnacles and shining towers;
I saw it then as we see things in dreams,—I do not remember how long I slept;
I remember the tress, and the high, white walls, and how the sun was always on the towers;
The walls are standing to-day, and the gates; I have been through the gates, I have groped, I have crept
Back, back. There is dust in the streets, and blood; they are empty; darkness is over them;
His heart is a place with the lights gone out, forsaken by great winds and the heavenly rain, unclean and unswept,
Like the heart of the holy city, old blind, beautiful Jerusalem;
        Over which Christ wept

About the poet

Charlotte MewCharlotte Mew

By the same poet
Sea Love
On the Road to the Sea
The Peddler
To a Child in Death
Madeleine in Church
The Farmer’s Bride
The Trees are Down
In Nunhead Cemetery
The Cenotaph
On the Asylum Road
June, 1915
The Call
Beside the Bed
Related books
Charlotte Mew at amazon.co.uk

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