When we come home at night and close the door,
Standing together in the shadowy room,
Safe in our own love and the gentle gloom,
Glad of familiar wall and chair and floor,
Glad to leave far below the clanging city;
Looking far downward to the glaring street
Gaudy with light, yet tired with many feet,
In both of us wells up a wordless pity;
Men have tried hard to put away the dark;
A million lighted windows brilliantly
Inlay with squares of gold the winter night,
But to us standing here there comes the stark
Sense of the lives behind each yellow light,
And not one wholly joyous, proud, or free.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Advice To A Girl |
After Love |
After Parting |
Alone |
Barter |
Broadway |
Child, Child |
Christmas Carol |
Faults |
From The Woolworth Tower |
Guenevere |
Love In Autumn |
In a Restaurant |
A Minuet Of Mozart’s |
A Prayer |
There Will Come Soft Rains |
A Winter Night |
Related books |
Sara Teasdale at amazon.co.uk |
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