The darkened street was muffled with the snow,
The falling flakes had made your shoulders white,
And when we found a shelter from the night
Its glamor fell upon us like a blow.
The clash of dishes and the viol and bow
Mingled beneath the fever of the light.
The heat was full of savors, and the bright
Laughter of women lured the wine to flow.
A little child ate nothing while she sat
Watching a woman at a table there
Learn to kiss beneath a drooping hat.
The hour went by, we rose and turned to go,
The somber street received us from the glare,
And once more on your shoulders fell the snow.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Advice To A Girl |
After Love |
After Parting |
Alone |
Barter |
Broadway |
Child, Child |
Christmas Carol |
Faults |
From The Woolworth Tower |
Guenevere |
Lights |
Love In Autumn |
A Minuet Of Mozart’s |
A Prayer |
There Will Come Soft Rains |
A Winter Night |
Related books |
Sara Teasdale at |
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