
Rupert Brooke

The Hill

Breathless, we flung us on the windy hill,
    Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass.
    You said, ‘Through glory and ecstasy we pass;
Wind, sun, and earth remain, the birds sing still,
When we are old, are old….’ ‘And when we die
    All’s over that is ours; and life burns on
Through other lovers, other lips,’ said I,
    ‘Heart of my heart, our heaven is now, is won!’

‘We are Earth’s best, that learnt her lesson here.
    Life is our cry. We have kept the faith!’ we said;
    ‘We shall go down with unreluctant tread
Rose-crowned into the darkness!’… Proud we were,
And laughed, that had such brave true things to say.
—And then you suddenly cried, and turned away.

Listen to this poem

Read by Cori Samuel · Source: Librivox.org

About the poet

Rupert BrookeRupert Brooke

By the same poet
The Dead
The Dead
The Soldier
The Old Vicarage, Grantchester
Dining-Room Tea
The Great Lover
Related books
Rupert Brooke at amazon.co.uk

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