
Alan Seeger

La Nue

Oft when sweet music undulated round,
    Like the full moon out of a perfumed sea
Thine image from the waves of blissful sound
    Rose and thy sudden light illumined me.

And in the country, leaf and flower and air
    Would alter and the eternal shape emerge;
Because they spoke of thee the fields seemed fair,
    And Joy to wait at the horizon's verge.

The little cloud-gaps in the east that filled
    Gray afternoons with bits of tenderest blue
Were windows in a palace pearly-silled
    That thy voluptuous traits came glimmering through.

And in the city, dominant desire
    For which men toil within its prison-bars,
I watched thy white feet moving in the mire
    And thy white forehead hid among the stars.

Mystical, feminine, provoking, nude,
    Radiant there with rosy arms outspread,
Sum of fulfillment, sovereign attitude,
    Sensual with laughing lips and thrown-back head,

Draped in the rainbow on the summer hills,
    Hidden in sea-mist down the hot coast-line,
Couched on the clouds that fiery sunset fills,
    Blessed, remote, impersonal, divine;

The gold all color and grace are folded o'er,
    The warmth all beauty and tenderness embower, —
Thou quiverest at Nature's perfumed core,
    The pistil of a myriad-petalled flower.

Round thee revolves, illimitably wide,
    The world's desire, as stars around their pole.
Round thee all earthly loveliness beside
    Is but the radiate, infinite aureole.

Thou art the poem on the cosmic page —
    In rubric written on its golden ground —
That Nature paints her flowers and foliage
    And rich-illumined commentary round.

Thou art the rose that the world's smiles and tears
    Hover about like butterflies and bees.
Thou art the theme the music of the spheres
    Echoes in endless, variant harmonies.

Thou art the idol in the altar-niche
    Faced by Love's congregated worshippers,
Thou art the holy sacrament round which
    The vast cathedral is the universe.

Thou art the secret in the crystal where,
    For the last light upon the mystery Man,
In his lone tower and ultimate despair,
    Searched the gray-bearded Zoroastrian.

And soft and warm as in the magic sphere,
    Deep-orbed as in its erubescent fire,
So in my heart thine image would appear,
    Curled round with the red flames of my desire.

About the poet

Alan SeegerAlan Seeger

By the same poet
An Ode to Natural Beauty
The Deserted Garden
The Torture of Cuauhtemoc
The Nympholept
The Wanderer
The Need to Love
El Extraviado
All That's Not Love...
The Sultan’s Palace
Thirty Sonnets
Sonnet I
Sonnet II
Sonnet III
Sonnet IV
Sonnet V
Sonnet VI
Sonnet VII
Sonnet VIII
Sonnet IX
Sonnet X
Sonnet XI
Sonnet XII
Sonnet XIII
Sonnet XIV
Sonnet XV
Sonnet XVI
I Loved...
Virginibus Puerisque...
With a Copy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets on Leaving College
Written in a Volume of the Comtesse de Noailles
The Old Lowe House, Staten Island
On the Cliffs, Newport
To England at the Outbreak of the Balkan War
At the Tomb of Napoleon Before the Elections in America—November, 1912
The Rendezvous
Do You Remember Once...
The Bayadere
An Ode to Antares
Dante. Inferno, Canto XXVI
Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, Canto X, 91-99
On a Theme in the Greek Anthology
After an Epigram of Clement Marot
Last Poems
The Aisne (1914-15)
Champagne (1914-15)
The Hosts
I Have a Rendezvous with Death...
Sonnet I
Sonnet II
Sonnet III
Sonnet IV
Sonnet V
Sonnet VI
Sonnet VII
Sonnet VIII
Sonnet IX
Sonnet X
Sonnet XI
Sonnet XII
A Message to America
Introduction and Conclusion of a Long Poem
Ode in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France
Related books
Alan Seeger at amazon.co.uk

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