Soldiers are citizens of death's grey land,
Drawing no dividend from time's to-morrows.
In the great hour of destiny they stand,
Each with his feuds, and jealousies, and sorrows.
Soldiers are sworn to action; they must win
Some flaming, fatal climax with their lives.
Soldiers are dreamers; when the guns begin
They think of firelit homes, clean beds and wives.
I see them in foul dug-outs, gnawed by rats,
And in the ruined trenches, lashed with rain,
Dreaming of things they did with balls and bats,
And mocked by hopeless longing to regain
Bank-holidays, and picture shows, and spats,
And going to the office in the train.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Does It Matter? |
Counter-Attack |
Ancient History |
Absolution |
‘Blighters’ |
Everyone Sang |
Base Details |
Glory of Women |
The General |
The Last Meeting |
The Poet as Hero |
Survivors |
Suicide in the Trenches |
To Any Dead Officer |
The Hero |
Aftermath |
Attack |
Sick Leave |
The Dug-Out |
Related books |
Siegfried Sassoon at |
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