WHEN thou, poor Excommunicate
From all the joys of Love, shalt see
The full reward and glorious fate
Which my strong faith shall purchase me,
Then curse thine own inconstancy!
A fairer hand than thine shall cure
That heart which thy false oaths did wound;
And to my soul a soul more pure
Than thine shall by Love’s hand be bound,
And both with equal glory crown’d.
Then shalt thou weep, entreat, complain
To Love, as I did once to thee;
When all thy tears shall be as vain
As mine were then: for thou shalt be
Damn’d for thy false apostasy.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Song |
Persuasions to Joy: a Song |
The Unfading Beauty |
Ingrateful Beauty threatened |
Epitaph: On the Lady Mary Villiers |
Another Epitaph |
Related books |
Thomas Carew at amazon.co.uk |
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