IF the quick spirits in your eye
Now languish and anon must die;
If every sweet and every grace
Must fly from that forsaken face;
Then, Celia, let us reap our joys
Ere Time such goodly fruit destroys.
Or if that golden fleece must grow
For ever free from aged snow;
If those bright suns must know no shade,
Nor your fresh beauties ever fade;
Then fear not, Celia, to bestow
What, still being gather'd, still must grow.
Thus either Time his sickle brings
In vain, or else in vain his wings.
About the poet |
By the same poet |
Song |
To His Inconstant Mistress |
The Unfading Beauty |
Ingrateful Beauty threatened |
Epitaph: On the Lady Mary Villiers |
Another Epitaph |
Related books |
Thomas Carew at amazon.co.uk |
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