
John Skelton

To Mistress Margaret Hussey

MERRY Margaret
    As midsummer flower,
    Gentle as falcon
    Or hawk of the tower:
With solace and gladness,
Much mirth and no madness,
All good and no badness;
        So joyously,
        So maidenly,
        So womanly
        Her demeaning
        In every thing,
        Far, far passing
        That I can indite,
        Or suffice to write
    Of Merry Margaret
    As midsummer flower,
    Gentle as falcon
    Or hawk of the tower.
    As patient and still
    And as full of good will
    As fair Isaphill,
    Sweet pomander,
    Good Cassander;
    Steadfast of thought,
    Well made, well wrought,
    Far may be sought,
    Ere that ye can find
    So courteous, so kind
    As merry Margaret,
    This midsummer flower,
    Gentle as falcon
    Or hawk of the tower.

About the poet
John Skelton
By the same poet
To Mistress Margery Wentworth
Related books
John Skelton at amazon.co.uk

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