
Richard Lovelace

To Lucasta, going beyond the Seas

        IF to be absent were to be
                Away from thee;
            Or that when I am gone
            You or I were alone;
        Then, my Lucasta, might I crave
Pity from blustering wind or swallowing wave.

        But I'll not sigh one blast or gale
                To swell my sail,
            Or pay a tear to 'suage
            The foaming blue god's rage;
        For whether he will let me pass
Or no, I'm still as happy as I was.

        Though seas and land betwixt us both,
                Our faith and troth,
            Like separated souls,
            All time and space controls:
        Above the highest sphere we meet
Unseen, unknown; and greet as Angels greet.

        So then we do anticipate
                Our after-fate,
            And are alive i' the skies,
            If thus our lips and eyes
        Can speak like spirits unconfined
In Heaven, their earthy bodies left behind.

About the poet

Richard LovelaceRichard Lovelace

By the same poet
To Lucasta, going to the Wars
Gratiana Dancing
To Amarantha, that she would dishevel her Hair
The Grasshopper
To Althea, from Prison
Related books
Richard Lovelace at amazon.co.uk

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