FOLLOW a shadow, it still flies you;
Seem to fly it, it will pursue:
So court a mistress, she denies you;
Let her alone, she will court you.
Say, are not women truly, then,
Styled but the shadows of us men?
At morn and even, shades are longest;
At noon they are or short or none:
So men at weakest, they are strongest,
But grant us perfect, they're not known.
Say, are not women truly, then,
Styled but the shadows of us men?
About the poet |
By the same poet |
A Farewell to the World |
Hymn to Diana |
To Celia |
Simplex Munditiis |
The Triumph |
An Elegy |
The Noble Balm |
Epitaph (i): On Elizabeth L.H. |
Epitaph (ii): On Salathiel Pavy |
Related books |
Ben Jonson at |
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