
Alexander Pope

On a certain Lady at Court

I KNOW a thing that 's most uncommon;
    (Envy, be silent and attend!)
I know a reasonable woman,
    Handsome and witty, yet a friend.

Not warp'd by passion, awed by rumour;
    Not grave through pride, nor gay through folly;
An equal mixture of good-humour
    And sensible soft melancholy.

'Has she no faults then (Envy says), Sir?'
    Yes, she has one, I must aver:
When all the world conspires to praise her,
    The woman's deaf, and does not hear.

About the poet
Alexander Pope
By the same poet
Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady
The Dying Christian to his Soul
Related books
Alexander Pope at amazon.co.uk

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